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Wednesday, 6 April 2005
The journey
Oh my lord. A few drinks last night and I feel like crap today. Not good. Starting to feel my age.
I'm sitting here on the train to Hemel. Boldly going where I've gone so many times before. Today I just couldn't believe I was actually having to drag myself out of bed. Not even the usual shower was good. Normally the pick up I need to get me started. Breakfast wasn't good either. I guess the good thing that will come out of today is that i should be heading back to my office today. No longer will I trek to and fro... I nice quick journey to Waltham Forest... And then the comfort of my own office again. Granted a very quiet office... But i will be getting my assistant soon so that will change.
Has any one seen Wembly yet? I pass there every day on the train. I'm passing it now in fact. It looks great. A really good stadium. I can't wait to see it completed.
Well as soon as I see it, its gone just as quick.
Todays train takes me past all the little stations between Euston and Hemel... Bushy, Harrow and Wealdstone, Watford and Kings Langley.
I'm thinking about what I want to do this year. I don't usually get a chance to go on holiday, so i'm going to set myself a goal. Do a little saving and then go away. Not just the usual trip away... Something substantial. A real trip. Initially i was thinking about going to Australia but i think i'd like to go away somewhere different. Visit the Inca mountains maybe... But not just there maybe all over south america and maybe california to... I do want to go to California... So that would be good to.

remote Posted by gspaced at 8:57 AM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 April 2005 11:53 PM BST
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Sunday, 3 April 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Drops of Jupiter - Train
Topic: Stuff
Sunday morning has been and gone without event. Mostly I spent the time in bed, either sleeping or reading... Da Vinci's Code is gripping. A worthy read and oddly fitting...
Have you heard about the latest? Last night I heard that the pope died. RIP John Paul II.

So here we are, Sunday afternoon, the Bahrain F1 has finished with another great race by Alonso. Woo Hoo. I feel like certain parts of my life have changed... I went to play Golf with Marco yesterday, first time this year... It was great to get out and into the sun. So there we were talking about our friends and things of equal precedence... We sort of realized that although, children we may still feel like, there are aspects of this that just don’t interest us any more. Games, films and music are all changing for us. We are not interested no more in the lost art of being able to beat a fellow companion at the lost art of Ninja fighting... We no longer require quick action movies to keep us from being bored in the movie theater, no longer are the days were a happy chirpy ballad about a love that slips through our fingers... I mean to say that I am slightly more patient, more attuned and more me... defined characteristics are now what I see in my self, and a five o'clock shadow that is there at five and not just the next day.
I don't know what spurs me on, and what instigated this new culture shock.... But I’m trying to say.... I am me.
Here are some fitting lyrics for me at the moment:

“And I don’t know what you mean to me
But I want to turn you on, turn you up, figure you out, I want to take you on”

Posted by gspaced at 2:58 PM BST
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Friday, 1 April 2005
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Like Eating Grass - Bloc Party
Topic: .alt
Anybody notice whats happening over at the site these days... Last week there was a change to the layout and then again the layout changed...It seems to have changed completely and become more dynamic. Professional is not the word i want to use here, but its definatly a step in the right direction.
So check it out boys and girls...
Full URL is:

Posted by gspaced at 5:58 AM GMT
Updated: Monday, 4 April 2005 7:01 AM BST
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Thursday, 31 March 2005
B tween
Along the right lines....

remote Posted by gspaced at 12:14 AM GMT
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Monday, 28 March 2005
I just finished watching a movie. Granted I do this a lot, but this one
was different. I liked this movie. I liked it so much, It quite possibly
was the best movie I've seen in a long long while.
The movie is called Garden State. See for yourself..

remote Posted by gspaced at 11:40 PM GMT
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Saturday, 26 March 2005

Posted by gspaced at 7:17 PM GMT
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The age of indifference.
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Red Hot Chili Peppers . ... .
Topic: .alt
Its easter.... Sitting around and NOT eating chocolate... Ive been taking it easy so far. Friday I went shopping with Leanne. Wondered around London chatting and chilling. Then afterwords went out to Opium with Kim and Karen..... It was a total let down and I couldn't be bothered to really be there... I left early. I feel like im getting old these days. Trying to keep up with the youthful girls. But I try.
What has the world been getting up to? Keeping busy i'm sure....
I'm downloading more and more songs... trying to build up my collection....
Work is going well. I'm enjoying it and trying to keep busy. Which I am.
I haven't really seen the lads in a while. I went out with Marco and Sylvanna during the week. But thats about it.

Posted by gspaced at 7:16 PM GMT
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Friday, 25 March 2005
Mood:  energetic
Topic: .alt
If I had some influence girl with the powers that be, I'd have them fire an arrow at you like they fired it right at me....

Posted by gspaced at 2:19 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005
Posting no 186.
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Alexi Murch - Orange Sky
Topic: Stuff
Good morning. How have you all been?

my last posting was a bit odd, granted. It was a quote from the film "layer Cake".
I've been busy as usual with work. Very busy. I'm trying to tconcentrate hard on getting everything done. It's good. I'm enjoying it.
Last weekend was amazing. On Friday I went to see Hitch at the movies with Fish. After we decided that it was too early to go home... so we went to O'niells. Always interesting. lol. Bit of a dive night as it always is there. I stayed over at his and the next day we decided to go swimming at the pool and track. Or rather we decided to go Diving. We got there and it weemed it was a little to busy, we soon found out why... there were district competitions on. So we had to find something else to do. Lakeside was sugested, and with it Go-Karting... Now I havnt been karting since i was marshall at Uni.... This was out doors and seemed interesting enough. And fuck me, it was class... We did 2 sessions, first with a single engine and then with a twin engine.... 45-50 mph around the track.
I think we are going to make it a regualr thing. Can't fecking wait!!!
Well, its nearly 8... and work starts on the dot.

So have a good day. Ohh, and Happy Birthday Karen.

Posted by gspaced at 7:57 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 9 March 2005
One day
One day you wont even realise what shit smells like.. welcome to the
layer cake.

remote Posted by gspaced at 10:18 PM GMT
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