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Monday, 16 May 2005
Suffer my desire...
I was listening to some old Smashing Pumpkins' stuff this morning on the
way into work. Some great stuff. Its amazing that even after all these
years the music that Billy Corgan produced back then is still relevant
and true. 'In the Arms of Sleep' is particularly good and fitting.
"Suffer my deisre..."

So Gerarda is back for a few days. Nice to see her. Its funny, the
little traits that we both have. If your lucky to meet my sister, say
hi. She is cool. Despite our distance that we have had the last few

Yesterday, we, that is Me, Gerarda and Fish went to Ware and Hertford
for some food and a drink. Nice place. I want to get to know other areas
around London... See what else is out there. So we popped around.
Initially we only meant to go as far as Epping or somewhere like that..
Some where in the country. We went to High Beach for a quick one but it
smelt a bit like shit. So we moved on... and on we did. Ware the
destination, we got there in no time at all... after a drink there along
the canal, we asked a Bolton fan for directions to a good Indian. So we
ended up in Hertford. Nice food I tell ya!

Again, Smashing Pumpkins are fucking class....

I cant think of much to say at the moment, while I'm waiting for the
kettle to boil, so I may post more later....


remote Posted by gspaced at 10:12 AM BST
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Thursday, 12 May 2005
Topic: Site
Post 211 consists as a notification... the new blog is up... its running and if you want to see whats been happening....
Go to
Click on the G Hand....
hit the link for the blog... and your in!

If you feel like being vocal, leave a message... or comment about a posting i have already done....

Posted by gspaced at 7:24 AM BST
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Sunday, 8 May 2005
All I want is to know Im right....
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: .alt
Suspended in a moment of truth.... For a brief moment, I understood....

Posted by gspaced at 7:21 PM BST
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Saturday, 7 May 2005

"This is my church.... This is where I heal my hurt..."

Posted by gspaced at 6:22 PM BST
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Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
Topic: .alt
Saturday morning couldn't have come sooner. The week was starting to take its toll. Work is great, but I just wanted to get this week over with. Despite it only being a 4 day week it just felt like it dragged on.
Im glad its Saturday though.
Friday was good, I met up with Lisa for a drink after work... then I went round to Fish for the Poker game I mentioned earlier in the week. We had a good night.... I started off by doing my usual and being totally unpridicable but the lads werent to happy about this so i got a little more serious. I ended up winning too... So it was even better than I had thought it was going to be.
Today, Its started late, as I got in late last night so a lie in was needed... granted, that only lasted till around 10... So I was up and having breakfast but half past. I'm bored with Saturday morning tv... its not like it used to be.. or at least I dont, understandably, enjoy it like i used to.
Today, I plan to make do on my promice to myself and start on the new site. I say new but I mean asn its still just a shell with a couple of pages on there. I have got certain plan to complete the independant blog... but I think that will come a little later.
So, lets see how the day goes.... Weather seems good.

Posted by gspaced at 1:54 PM BST
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Thursday, 5 May 2005
Blog Ramlings
Today is the oddest day. It started off a bit ok, weather wise... then
it was nice... sunny and stuff.... Now.... Its bloody terrible! I cant
believe the shit that gets spat out of the sky these days!
Simon is giving me shit again about the blog... says that I should be
writing more and stuff...So I thought that I would ....

Who wants diabetes? Anyone....? Going cheap...! Dam.... I wanna get rid
of this crap!


remote Posted by gspaced at 10:15 AM BST
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Wednesday, 4 May 2005
Silver lining...?
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Tumble and Fall - Feeder
Topic: Stuff
Today is dull, again…..
Its really grey out and quite boring looking…. Completely uninspiring.

I woke up this morning really tired. I have a moderately late night last night. Normally I try to get to be by 10.30-11… but last night I was talking to my friends on msn, and got a little carried away.
Today though…. I’m tired and a little spaced out. I’m not ready or prepared for it and I am not particularly enjoying it. Lets hope there is a silver lining.

Posted by gspaced at 12:05 PM BST
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Tuesday, 3 May 2005
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: X-FM
Topic: Stuff
Simon, you must have been bored last night... you cock, you woke me up like 4 times with comments you made on the Blog during the night. Twat. I'm fucking well tired now.
Think I'll call your house at 8 and wake you up early!


Yesterday was class. I had a well good day. Lisa came round and w hung out for a while. Makes a change as we never see each other and its nice to actually hang out with your friends rather than just chatting to them on email occationally.
Plus, added advantage is that they bring cd's wit them and you can copy them too.... Cheers for that Lisa!
After Lisa went, I poped round to see fish and we did something we havent done in years... we played footie. Its been so long and I can safly say, I'm shit! I can barly kick a ball these days. Its just bad.
Got to say though, the grub on offer at the George (Wanstead) is really letting me down. I forget its so bad until the stuff is served. I really hope I dont make that mistake again.

So Lads, you fancy a poker night this Friday? I'm up for it... bring the deck and chips and I'll provide the location. Plus, if its pridicted proper... hows about a nice bbq in the my great garden on Sunday!?
Let me know the usual way....
Hmmm.... 07.22 its so early, and I want to go back to sleep. Well, I cant, so its off to work in a min. Boo... Hope I dont miss the bus this time. You would think I'd learn!

Posted by gspaced at 7:24 AM BST
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Sunday, 1 May 2005
Something New
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The Futureheads
Topic: Stuff
So whats to become of the person I once was....
Its a question that begs to be asked.
I'm not at liberty to talk about why I'm asking it, but It does play on my mind.

Its been a glorious morning, the sun has been shining and its getting warmer everyday. I opened my doors this morning so I could get some fresh air and relax in the sun for a bit on the steps to the garden. But now, unsurprising its started raining... Hmm, have to move the Xbox and PS2. Typically, just when I'm planning to pop out for a bit, it starts to rain.... Not good.

My weekend started well... On Friday I went out to the George for a few with Si. It was esspecially good because I didnt drink to much and I'm starting to get used to this whole not drinking more than 3 pints thing. Last night I managed to do the same... Out for a few with Fish and managed to have a good night with out drinking to much again....
Yesterday was good, we went Golf and then on to the cinema. We saw The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. A very good film that turns into a love yarn in the end. But great none the less.

Posted by gspaced at 12:56 PM BST
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Friday, 29 April 2005
My view
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Foo Fighters - Best of You
Topic: .alt
The Foo Fighters are absolutly class. I love the song "Best of You".

I love my office and the views it affords me... My desk has a huge window in font of it that looks out onto the fields behind Waltham Forest town hall. Its great, when I need to I just chill and look at out over the trees and stuff.
But with the aproaching spring and summer... well, the sun mostly... I have to lower the blinds so that the sun doesnt just shine and blind me as I'm trying to work. Which sucks cause I don't get the oppertunity to look out the window.

I've been thinking about going to a few more concerts this summer, maybe even a festival. I want to see the Foo's and some others. I've already got tickets to see Weezer in June. Which I'm well looking forward to. I havent seen Weezer since, well I dont remember.. but it was in Leeds at the Carling festival. I wonder how Lee is...Hmmmm I hear that he, Toby and a few others from uni have moved to Manchester together.

Its hard to write these postings, sometimes I have loads of things to say and they pop into my mind as I'm writing and then when I finish the paragragh, I have already forgotten what I was gonna say.

I'm planning to start a new blog soon. But this will be slightly different as I'll be hosting it directly on Currently this is being hosted by Triod and it has its limitations. So when I've learnt more adout RSS and CSS. And then paid out for the program that will give me loads of things to play with... you will see the proper blog... pictures and everything. I'm sure you will be pleased... I've got a few good ideas for it.

So, obviously... today is Friday. Idon't know what I'm doing tonight... there are options and I think it could come down to a few options, like... Poker, movie, pub, various clubs and a trip up London... Or there is the option of popping round my Dads. See the cat??

At the moment I'm reading Dan Browns Angels and Demons. Its quite good and its so far following the same formula that was adopted in his book, The Da Vinci Code. That was good too.

Might post on the weekend if I have the chance...

See Ya.

Posted by gspaced at 1:31 PM BST
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