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Monday, 28 March 2005
I just finished watching a movie. Granted I do this a lot, but this one
was different. I liked this movie. I liked it so much, It quite possibly
was the best movie I've seen in a long long while.
The movie is called Garden State. See for yourself..

remote Posted by gspaced at 11:40 PM GMT
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Saturday, 26 March 2005

Posted by gspaced at 7:17 PM GMT
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The age of indifference.
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Red Hot Chili Peppers . ... .
Topic: .alt
Its easter.... Sitting around and NOT eating chocolate... Ive been taking it easy so far. Friday I went shopping with Leanne. Wondered around London chatting and chilling. Then afterwords went out to Opium with Kim and Karen..... It was a total let down and I couldn't be bothered to really be there... I left early. I feel like im getting old these days. Trying to keep up with the youthful girls. But I try.
What has the world been getting up to? Keeping busy i'm sure....
I'm downloading more and more songs... trying to build up my collection....
Work is going well. I'm enjoying it and trying to keep busy. Which I am.
I haven't really seen the lads in a while. I went out with Marco and Sylvanna during the week. But thats about it.

Posted by gspaced at 7:16 PM GMT
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Friday, 25 March 2005
Mood:  energetic
Topic: .alt
If I had some influence girl with the powers that be, I'd have them fire an arrow at you like they fired it right at me....

Posted by gspaced at 2:19 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005
Posting no 186.
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Alexi Murch - Orange Sky
Topic: Stuff
Good morning. How have you all been?

my last posting was a bit odd, granted. It was a quote from the film "layer Cake".
I've been busy as usual with work. Very busy. I'm trying to tconcentrate hard on getting everything done. It's good. I'm enjoying it.
Last weekend was amazing. On Friday I went to see Hitch at the movies with Fish. After we decided that it was too early to go home... so we went to O'niells. Always interesting. lol. Bit of a dive night as it always is there. I stayed over at his and the next day we decided to go swimming at the pool and track. Or rather we decided to go Diving. We got there and it weemed it was a little to busy, we soon found out why... there were district competitions on. So we had to find something else to do. Lakeside was sugested, and with it Go-Karting... Now I havnt been karting since i was marshall at Uni.... This was out doors and seemed interesting enough. And fuck me, it was class... We did 2 sessions, first with a single engine and then with a twin engine.... 45-50 mph around the track.
I think we are going to make it a regualr thing. Can't fecking wait!!!
Well, its nearly 8... and work starts on the dot.

So have a good day. Ohh, and Happy Birthday Karen.

Posted by gspaced at 7:57 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 9 March 2005
One day
One day you wont even realise what shit smells like.. welcome to the
layer cake.

remote Posted by gspaced at 10:18 PM GMT
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Tuesday, 8 March 2005
Tempting fate.
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Star wars, Republic Commando
Topic: Stuff
I'm told by Simon that I always have something to say... But he is wondering why I haven?t said anything on the Blog for a while. I said I didn?t have anything to say. Which, we both know is a lie?
I do have things to say, but I don?t like tempting fate, but talking about how great things are and then suddenly, it all goes south. This always happens, I get excited about something and sure as shit, it evaporates.
Take my previous job.... I liked it when I started, but I took it for granted and it all went south quite quickly.... Also, Vicky... I got excited about her, and again, it turned into nothing.
So the reason I?m saying this now is simple, I don?t want to tempt fate by saying how great anything is going... but I will mention a few things... to keep you entertained.
Or at least, hope you?re entertained....

My weekend highlight was Saturday night. I was meeting Kim, Karen, Leanne and Kim's fell Craig was there.... but the real reason I went was to see Lisa. Last time we went out, I had a good time... so I thought, it might be fun again. So I did, we had a dance and a good laugh, or at least I did... Karen and Leanne were not too happy. But hey, I wasn?t really there to cheer them up or entertain them, so I concentrated on having a good night. Which I did.

Friday night was god to... Kim came round and stayed over. As usual we played the computer games we are hooked on... Myst. We are currently on Myst 3. Its good, but we don?t get many opportunities to play it. So we stayed up till late and had a good meal to. Obviously Kim cooked.... I don?t think she has yet to get over the meal I cooked for her last year. I didn?t think it was that bad. I liked it... or at least I remember liking it. loll

Sunday, I went round the old mans place... watched the gran prix and cheered on the other teams! - cough, not Ferrari. Dad made me a nice roast. Great stuff.
Monday, back to work and a change of scene. I don?t know how much I've mentioned on the site, but My company are based in Hemel Hempstead... which is a really nice place just past Watford. Don't worry, I don?t actually work from there. I have my own office based in Walthamstow. There I mostly work on my own, but try to have someone come down from the head office as often as I can... Mostly just to keep me company and make sure the work I'm doing is correct. Otherwise, I'm calling, texting and emailing the guys in Hemel. So, still in training.
Only down side of going to Hemel, is the traveling, I have to leave at 7 to get to the office for 9. A
trek and a half.... but a nice nap on the journey to. Id be lost with out the walkman.
At the moment I'm listening to a few albums. I recently got the debut album by Bloc Party. A great bad, with a good few songs to keep me going. Then I also downloaded Kasabian's album to. That?s great. Recommend it, if you like that sort of thing....
Other stuff I?ve got....

Athlete, Tourest....
Basement Jaxx, The singles...
Basement Jaxx, Kish Kash.....
Natalie Imbruglia, Counting down the days...(not yet out)
Stereophonics, Language, Sex, Violence, Other?....( I dont know if this has been released yet)
Feeder, Pushing the senses....
Doves, Some cities....
The Chemical brothers, Push the button.....

Also a few movies here and there.

well, im off again, Ill post soon.... when i have something to say.

Posted by gspaced at 6:39 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 March 2005 6:47 PM GMT
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Monday, 21 February 2005
Some time soon...
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Stereophonics - Dakota
Topic: Terminal
Monday morning was surprisingly cold. Or maybe unsurprisingly. It was meant to happen over the weekend but today was the day... Watching the Newcastle game yesterday with my Dad, there was snow there. But as we watched the game, the sun was shining out the window. So i thought maybe we would be lucky and it would pass. But alas. Its snowing out in my garden now. A layer cake of white snow. The xmas, we would love to have.
Ive been talking to Leanne. It seems since we broke up, we still want to be friends, which is great... but we dont talk as much as we'd like and see each other even less.

My weekend was a bit shit. I spenmt most of it either in bed, or just in the house. I think i went out once, Friday night to see the Aviator. Which, I might add, was equally shit. Should have seen Sideways. But hey, nevermind. Really came down with something crap on friday. I was meant to go out friday might with Kim and again on Saturday with Kim, Craig and Karen... But I couldn't make it. Luckly, the party was crap, by all accounts and They came round mine to watch a movie instead...

Apart from seeing Dan on Friday, I didnt see the lads this weekend at all. Shame. Would have been good. Might have a poker night some time soon.

Posted by gspaced at 10:27 PM GMT
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Friday, 18 February 2005
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Athlete - Wires
Topic: Stuff
Like Mr Jacson, Flu like symptoms. Not good. Lucky it's Friday, got the weekend to recover. Might have another quiet one. Would be nice.
How are you all?
Listening to x-fm, Chris is talking about sausages... mmmm.

Be Good.

Posted by gspaced at 8:32 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 16 February 2005
So take a look at me now...
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Dakota - Stereophonics
Topic: Terminal
I've been quiet. Peaceful. Happy.
I talk to Simon and Danny. I talk to Kim, I talk to him. My Dad. There
for me when I need him.
If you could change something. One event or characteristic. some
idiosyncrasy or another. What would you change? Do you think we can
change these things that we don't like about ourselves? Are there and
regrets you might have that, given the opportunity, you would alter, for
the better, or worse maybe. maybe you're a glutton. What is to be said
about the choices that we make each day? Are they choices or are they
opportunities. Moments where we can decide which road, which person we
ultimately want to be.
I remember when I was younger. I went to an open day at my university,
and the student showing us the ropes. He told me that all art is, is
plagiarism. Other peoples ideas.. Just the same thing, but with your
name at the bottom of the canvas. Maybe life emulates art, maybe all we
do is live other people lives, just with our name at the bottom.
Eternally signing our names to other peoples mistakes. Never learning,
just spinning around. History repeating.
You know what though, you don't have to always be right. You are only
going to learn from your mistakes, by living them. If I choose not to
experience something bad, do you think I would commit the mistake again,
later, because I never learnt from the mistake in the first place.

Here are some lyrics, some words from a song, you may or may not have
heard yet. But you will.
Its Called Dakota, by the Stereophonics.

Thinking about thinking of you
Some of the time thinking it was due
Yeah thinking it was due.
Laying back, head on the grass
Children grown having some laughs
Yeah having some laughs.

Made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one
Made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one

Drinking back, drinking for two
Drinking with you
And drinking was new
Sleeping in the back of my car
Never went far
Needed to go far

Made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one
Made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one

I don't know where we are going no
I don't know where we are going no

Wake up for coffee and juice
Remembering you
What happened to you?
I wonder if we'll meet again
Talk about us instead
Talk about why did it end

Made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one
Made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one

I don't know where we are going no
I don't know where we are going no

So take a look at me now

remote Posted by gspaced at 10:19 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 February 2005 10:23 PM GMT
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